What started as a social media post has become a movement, and now a podcast. In 2020, Jameela Jamil launched her 'I Weigh with Jameela Jamil' podcast, where she challenges society's definition of worth through weight by asking different thought-leaders, performers, activists, influencers, and friends about how they working through their past shames to find where their value truly lies. At the end of each episode, Jameela asks her guests what they weigh, not in pounds or kilos, but what they value most about themselves. These are a select few of their answers! Listen to 'I Weigh with Jameela Jamil' now: http://apple.co/iweigh 🎧 In order of appearance: Demi Lovato ALOK Reese Witherspoon DaShaun Wesley Nicole Byer Catherine Bohart Ibram X Kendi Busy Philipps Dr. Jen Gunter Billy Porter Rachel Cargle Phoebe Robinson Gloria Steinem -- ABOUT I WEIGH Founded in March 2018 by Jameela Jamil, I Weigh is a community allyship platform built to share ideas and stories that ultimately mobilize activism. Growing beyond our original Instagram community, we now offer a place for original content that explores social issues that stem from mental health to climate change to the representation of marginalized groups. Through this powerful content we’re committed to breaking down different stereotypes in the world; teaching each other how to practically and effectively use our time and energy to make actual change both in our own communities and globally. CONNECT WITH I WEIGH Subscribe to the I Weigh channel: https://bit.ly/SubscribeIWeigh Read more stories on the I Weigh website: https://bit.ly/IWeighWebsite Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/i_weigh Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iweigh Twitter: https://twitter.com/i_weigh